
Conducting Excerpts

01. Ravel, Pictures at an Exhibition
02. Brahms, Academic Festival Overture 
03. Copland, Appalachian Springs

04. Marquez, Danzon Nº2
05. Mahler, Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen

Danza de Huemac (Argentinian Symphonic Music) & Rhapsody in Blue with Reinhold Friedrich

Own Arrangements of Popular Music (more than 500 published)

Conducting with Soloists


Soprano: Soledad de la Rosa

Rhaspody in Blue

Trumpet: Reinhold Friedrich

Concertino Weber

Clarinet: Augusto Cristos

Excerpts with Youth Chamber Orchestras

Working from the Pit

Excerpt from Il Matrimonio Segreto (Secret Marriage) by Cimarosa.